Sunday, October 6, 2013

Viggle Live Cousin's Undercover Trivia Answers

 An EZ + 350 #Viggle Live Bonus Points and a +150 Check-in Bonus!

Viggle Live Answers for "Cousin's Undercover" airing on HGTV Sunday Oct. 06, 2013 @ 8pm

This is a Neighborhood Heroes Streak Quest! *Must check-in Live airing of at least 5 of the 7 episodes for Quest Bonus

  1. Welcome to Viggle LIVE at "Cousins Undercover!" The cousins previously hosted Kitchen Cousins.
  2. In this episode, John and Anthony are helping Elizabeth, a Teacher.
  3. The 2nd floor of Elizabeth's house is Unfinished.
  4. Where is this week's renovation? Long Island, NY.
  5. John and Anthony have 7 days to remake Elizabeth's house.
  6. Elizabeth lives next to her Parents.
  7. Which talk show host is helping the cousins surprise Elizabeth? Ellen.
  8. True or False: John and Andrew are NOT real cousins. FALSE.
  9. As far as Elizabeth knows, John and Anthony are only renovating her Bathroom.
  10. While John and Anthony redo her entire house, Elizabeth is enjoying a trip to Los Angeles.
  11. What delayed renovations earlier in the episode? Rain.
  12. Earlier in the episode, John and Anthony visited the Beach with Elizabeth's father.
  13. John and Anthony built Elizabeth a very special Wine Rack.
  14. True or False: Elizabeth's family hated the bold salmon paint in her master bedroom? FALSE.
  15. John and Anthony made a gorgeous art feature using photos of Sign Language.
  16. Earlier in the episode, Elizabeth's cousin painted a mural for The Nursery.
  17. John and Anthony built a Book Exchange for Elizabeth's front lawn.
  18. When is the next new episode of "Cousin's Undercover?" Sunday, October 13th.

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