Thursday, April 17, 2014

Viggle Live for SCANDAL Trivia Answers +800

#Viggle Special Trivia Bonus! Earn a FAST +800 Viggle Bonus Points! +25 Viggle Points Each!
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ABC's Scandal Earn +800 Viggle Bonus Points!

Viggle Live Trivia Answers for "Scandal" on ABC Channel airing Thursday April 17, 2014 @ 10pm (VL starts at 7pm PST and repeats)
  1. What is the name of Hollis' company? Doyle Energy.
  2. Last week, Jake told everyone that he Slept with Olivia.
  3. Who killed Verna Thornton? Fitz.
  4. Who did Fitz and Cyrus call for help last week? Rowan.
  5. Sally Langston is a former Senator.
  6. Who lives under a fake identity? Quinn.
  7. Who visited Jerry's boarding school last week? Leo.
  8. Harrison once worked as a Car salesman.
  9. Who is command of B-613? Jake.
  10. What did Fitz say to Olivia last week? I Miss You.
  11. Who opened up about a paternity test last week? Mellie.
  12. Olivia graduated from which university? Princeton.
  13. Jake warned Olivia about Rowan last week.
  14. Where did Fitz travel last week? Ohio.
  15. What was Verna Thornton's position? Supreme Court Justice.
  16. Who gave Leo the DNA evidence he needed last week? Jerry's Girlfriend.
  17. Olivia supporters are known as Gladiators.
  18. Who was murdered earlier this season? James.
  19. Who got tipsy last week? Mellie.
  20. Mellie has been sleeping with Andrew this season.
  21. Who found Dominic last week? Huck.
  22. Who first introduced Fitz to Mellie? Jerry Grant.
  23. Hollis Doyle has been married 5 times.
  24. Mellie said that she wanted Fitz to Burn last week.
  25. Harrison once slept with Josie Marcus' Daughter.
  26. Who hid a bomb at Hightower's funeral last week? Maya.
  27. True or False: Tonight is the season finale of "Scandal". TRUE.
  28. What is Olivia's nickname? The Fixer.
  29. Fitz is a former Pilot.
  30. Fitz read Cyrus a Eulogy at the end of last week's episode.
  31. Who once dated Becky Flynn? Huck.
  32. Earlier in the episode, you saw an ad for New Zyrtec Dissolve tablets that orally dissolve without Water.

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